Thursday, March 31, 2011

Brain Food For Exams - Natural Energy Boost

Preparing for your school exam or licensure tests? Do you still understand the things that you’re trying to review? Do you feel that exhaustion due to doing too much review is taking its toll? The good news is you can take in several brain food for exams so you’ll have healthy supplements that allow your brain to function properly than before. The following are some of the foods you can take in.

The brain food for exams you should eat must be good sources of brain energy. One of these is protein-rich food. Make sure to eat your breakfast before you take in the test so you’ll have enough working energy all throughout the course. It’s the most important meal within the day so it’s vital to have it before taking your test. Ensure that your breakfast is boosted with a lot of healthy protein sources like eggs and beans. A simple porridge will do as long as it contains healthy proteins. In addition to meals, makes sure to drink a good amount of water to ensure you’ll keep your body processes regulated and hydrated. Drink as much as 1.5 liters of water in a day while keeping yourself from drinking carbonated drinks.

Apart from just proteins, your brain food for exams should also be rich in vitamins and minerals. This ensures your brain is on its best condition in absorbing and remembering all these information. Add citrus fruits and vegetables packed with vitamins like A and C. These vitamins are also good antioxidants that will clear your body from toxins and allow proper bodily functions like thinking. Foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals are orange, spinach, lemon, and tomatoes. Additional vitamin E on your diet will give additional antioxidants like nuts and avocado.

Omega 3 is also one of the important to include in the diet. It can help in promoting proper focus and attention in reviewing. Fish products such as salmons, sardines and tuna are among the top foods that have this essential oil. Iron coming from meat, eggs, and green leafy vegetables are among the brain food for exams you can take in to ensure focus and proper brainwork. Make sure to have this as it serves as food that will be metabolized for proper mental function.

However, taking these foods will not give you the benefits that you need if you don’t know how to manage stress caused by exam. A lot of people who feel much stressed experience nausea before they take the test. This can be a great problem especially for people who need extra amount of focus on their exams. In order to calm down the body during these tests, it’s important for them to take in meals that can calm them down like milk. Milk has serotonin properties that can calm down the system.

Proper diet with the right exercise and review will surely help you during you exam. Ensure that you have this brain food for exams before you take it to get the score that you need for passing.